Halotherapy (Equine Salt Chamber Therapy) Case Studies



SWEET ITCH - Oscar has been bringing his pony 'Lady Custard' for regular salt therapy sessions to help with her sweet itch and we are thrilled to see how much of a difference we have made to this pair.

Thank you to Oscar's mum for sending us this picture and sharing their results and we look forward to following Oscar and Lady Custard's results in the future.

"I just thought you would like this picture of Oscar and Lady Custard (who looked fabulous after her course of treatments) this weekend, winning their championship and then going on to win

Junior Supreme Champion!

EQUINE ASTHMA - "Mattie was coughing and was diagnosed with equine asthma a couple of years ago. He had various treatments from vets culminating in him having a Flexineb mask treatment twice daily. Apart from it being onerous on me, it was unpleasant for him and caused various other problems such as swollen glands and he was still coughing. I contacted Rookery Equine and arranged for him to spend 3 days on livery for intensive treatment. The effect was immediate. He came home a happy boy with no more coughing than any other normal horse! I still visit Rookery every 6 weeks 'top up' sessions. The Rookery is an amazing place for horses. Vicky, Grace and all the staff are lovely and I can highly recommend their services"

                                 Mattie enjoying the outdoor life style!

SWEET ITCH - Flash was suffering with symptoms of sweet-itch as well as showing persistent breathing problems. A huge thank you to Stef and Flash for this lovely feedback. We look forward to seeing you both again soon!

My boy visited the Rookery for the 3 day Salt Chamber Therapy in February 2020, having stumbled upon this wonderful place whilst searching for something to help his skin and breathing.

SWEET ITCH  - I have owned Flash for 2 years and unfortunately he suffers from terrible skin, particularly in the summer where he is thought to have sweet itch. I have trialed many natural supplements without much luck and then end up in a battle with him feeling itchy and the having to prevent this, alongside some head shaking and in general being really wound up with all the irritations. It is heartbreaking to see him suffer, so I thought I had nothing to lose trying some salt chamber therapy!

We arrived at the Rookery and was greeted by a fantastic team of people who genuinely care about your four legged friend and truly treat them as part of the family.

I received regular updates during his stay and felt completely at ease that he was ‘On Holiday’.

Since being home he hasn’t coughed and his breathing is clear. He has calmed down on the itching and just has an itch like all horses would!

He appears to be much more content and settled in himself, I truly believe that this has helped him.

I look forward to visiting again soon and would recommend the place to anyone!   

Flash Back home


SKIN COMPLAINT - Woody came to us for a 3 day salt-chamber treatment. He had terribly itchy and swollen legs, and his regular treatments and topical creams didn’t help. After his stay his owner has a happier horse and has found a way to manage the problem.

My horse Woody recently visited Rookery Equine for the salt chamber therapy to see if it would help with his skin.

Woody has had really itchy legs since I bought him 5 years ago, he has regular detromax injections and is clipped to help alleviate the issues.

He gets ‘Monday leg’ behind his front legs and on the back legs, his fetlocks swell up and become sore and itchy due his skin condition where the folds of skin rub together and the sweat etc irritates the skin. We have only been able to manage but not treat this issue.

I dropped him off on the Wednesday to start his 3 day treatments, he had a scab behind his front leg and was swollen behind both hind fetlocks. He was still stamping his feet and was very itchy when he left my yard.

When he came home on the Friday, the scab had pretty much cleared up and looked so much better. The swelling and soreness on his hind fetlocks had reduced to the point he was not stamping and he was a lot less itchy.

Woody actually seems a lot happier in himself currently and seems much more comfortable. We will be bringing him back for top-ups monthly to see if this can be managed to make his life more comfortable moving forwards.

The whole experience from start to finish was lovely and I trust that my horse was very well cared for, receiving regular updates and pictures from his time there. I would definitely recommend trying this if you have a horse with similar issues because it seems to have helped Woody where topical creams etc haven’t!

                                  Woody During his stay at Rookery                                         


RESPIRATORY ISSUES - Bagheera came to stay with us as he was suffering severe breathing difficulties and his owner was at a loss as to what to do to help him.

Bagheera stayed for 2 weeks. During this time he had a 3 day consecutive salt chamber treatment, followed by water treadmill sessions aimed at re-introducing him to fitness, with a follow-up salt chamber session before leaving.

The results have been wonderful! Please enjoy reading the below message we received from his owner Karen:

❤️Dear Team Rookery❤️

It has been just over two weeks since Bagheera was with you at Rookery and I cannot believe the change in him.

He has gone from not being able to anything to doing a good schooling session and even yesterday in the heat we actually jumped a good course of jumps something which was impossible before he came to you.

Two days after he came home my vet came to check him over after being with them on the 5th June for Endoscopy/tracheal wash for a lower lung problem. He found that his breathing was normal (!!), which after all the steroids and sputolosin from 2nd December 2019 is remarkable.

I just can’t believe it and I just wanted to let you all know how pleased I am with your expert advice and knowledge and for the care you gave Bagheera on his two weeks at the Rookery. Your updates and videos of him enjoying himself was reassuring to see.

I would also like to compliment you on your facilities and your friendly approach, especially with the social distancing in place you made us feel most welcome.

I would not hesitate to recommend your spa facilities to anyone!

Bagheera will be back for another visit soon. I have attached a photo of him doing what he likes best.


                       Bagheera Back in Action!




MALLANDERS & SALLANDERS - These pictures are from one of our regular clients whose horse suffers with Mallenders and Sallenders.

This is a skin condition caused by the over production of keratin and is reasonably common in horses with heavy feather.
Although there is no cure for this skin condition, we have found a number of clients that have used the salt chamber are seeing huge improvements in their horses legs after just 3 sessions.
                                               Before Treatment
                                     After 3 Sessions (2 weeks later)