Equine Water Treadmill Case Studies

WEIGHT LOSS - What losing over 10 stone looks like

STRENGTH BUILDING - Jack came to stay with us to build strength prior to starting his career as a ridden horse.
“My young horse Jack was backed and turned away last autumn but was still physically immature when bringing him back this spring. I felt that we needed a head start in building top line in order for him to carry a rider.
The idea of developing muscle with minimal stress of young joints seemed like a no brainier! He spent a week here and looked amazing when we went to pick him up. He was so well cared for and came home a happy little horse.”
Jack one week before arriving Jack back home with his owner
WEIGHT LOSS - This mare visited Rookery in preparation for surgery. Awaiting surgery for a bone chip, she needed to shed some weight. After one week of daily water treadmill sessions, horse walker and restricted turnout, Isla dropped an impressive 13kg!
Upon arrival Following treatments
LAMINITIS - Pixie received daily water treadmill sessions and during her 3 weeks with us has lost a staggering 3 stone 3lbs
We wish Heidi and Pixie lots of fun and success with their partnership for the future.
LAMINITIS & EMS - Tara was stuck in a vicious cycle of laminitis brought on by EMS. When the laminitis kicked in, she couldn't be exercised, when she couldn't be exercised, she would gain weight and her EMS would get worse.
3 weeks of regular exercise has seen Tara drop a considerable amount of weight and even REVERSE the EMS.
Before Water Treadmill 3 Weeks of Water Treadmill
MUSCLE DEVELOPMENT - This mare visited Rookery for weekly water treadmill sessions from the end of July to the beginning of October. The water treadmill allows to build muscle without causing strain, and the change in muscle mass in this visitor is very evident.
“I can’t believe the difference in my girls muscle development since end of July with weekly water treadmill sessions!!
Still some building to go but I can already feel the benefits in her work. Great place and facilities and lovely staff who care about the horses. Couldn’t be more pleased!”
After top pic
Before bottom pic
SUSPENSORY INJURY - Henry sustained a mid-branch forelimb suspensory injury. 14 months after injury Henry started coming for regular water treadmill sessions to help build his strength and increase his muscle.
He then came to livery with us in the May for a couple of weeks before returning to full work.
When Henry went back into the ring, he won both his dressage tests.
May Before Water Treadmill
August after regular treadmill sessions