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bombers bits

Bombers McHardy 2 1/2 Ring

Bombers McHardy 2 1/2 Ring

Regular price £106.00
Regular price Sale price £106.00
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Taxes included.
Mouthpiece Thickness

Key Features

A ring cheek piece introduces poll pressure as well as creating leverage on the mouthpiece, the 2½ Ring version is the softest out of the 3 or 4 ring alternatives as the ½ ring softens the leverage on the mouthpiece and poll.

A horse shaking its head when bit pressure is applied or trying to put  its tongue over the bit are classic signs the horse has a sensitive tongue. With this in mind the McHardy was created, it has a medium port creating space for the tongue, relieving pressure. The Buster Roller in the middle increases bar pressure and as a result extends the head and brings the nose in giving more control.


The cheekpiece is available in 2 sizes, standard and a slightly smaller model for a pony.

Supplied with a nylon back strap.

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